Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Back to London again

Back down the A5 towards London, stopping at The Bell in Woburn village for some good tucker.

Grey and cold
Off to Westfield; a brain-free day required, some international comparisons to be made and parking all day for 6 pounds. Naturally spent a couple of hundred more, seeing we had the chance, at Ecco. The trip from Notting Hill to Westfield at White City was interesting in the Chinese fashion. Two wrong turns and some wandering - finally surrendered to the guidance of Apple Maps which took us directly to Westfield along a dead-end road ending at the high brick wall of the shopping mall? Good work, Apple. Took us an hour to get there - Liz says she can walk there in 20 minutes.

Back to Westfield, to Debenhams in search of dresses for the end-of-year Easton weddings.

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